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Reference Checking Service

These days can you really rely on the information on a candidates CV?

In2HR offers a comprehensive range of bespoke background checking solutions which can be tailored to meet the unique needs of any business in any industry, regardless of size.

You can pick and choose the checks you want to build up different levels and packages dependent on the risk involved in the position you are recruiting for. Using the service is easy and can integrate totally with your current recruitment processes. The administration of the background check can be carried out via our online system or through traditional paper-based methods.

  hr solutions, hr outsourcing
HR Outsourcing

Our turnaround times are fast and upon completion of the background check you will receive a full report which separates the fact from the fiction in an individual's background.

Costs do vary from c.£30 for the very basic checks up to the £100 for a more detailed version.
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We can help you hire and retain the best employees, manage your employees more successfully, and improve employee motivation. Whatever your HR outsourcing needs, In2HR can assist any company within the Thames Valley areas, including Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxon and Surrey. So why not contact us today.

in2hr.co.uk  2 Teaseltun  Fleet  Hampshire  GU51 5BY  Tel 07917-358547
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